Healing Modalities

  • 15 Minute Discovery Call

    New Clients Only

    Call During Business Hours - (905) 903-7388

    Monday - Friday 10am-5pm


  • Initial Nutritional & Symptomatology Assessment

    In depth Health Analysis

    Live Blood Cell Analysis & Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) included 6-8 week Personalized Program.

    Children <10 $210 BOOK HERE

    Nutritionist Rate Available- Students & Alumni Only. BOOK HERE

  • 6 week Metabolic Balance - Weight Loss Program

    Full Program

    Diet Plan + Continuous Support and Follow up Session

    ▸Live Cell Analysis
    ▸Payment plans available
    ▸Includes 5 follow up sessions
    ▸Email or Zoom support


  • Ionic Foot Detoxification

    Packages Available of 5 or 10 sessions

    $55 / Session

    $250 / 5 Sessions twice weekly

    $500 / 10 Sessions twice weekly

  • Ear Candling

    A Safe, Effective and Painless Procedure

    Used for the removal of earwax, pollen, sinus congestion, ringing of the ears, ear infection, headaches, migraines, and hearing problems.


  • Practitioner Session

    Analysis for Practitioner's Client

    If you are not currently working with another Practitioner - please book an Initial Assessment/Consultation.


“Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls your life. ~ Akshay Dubey

The Details

Clinical Nutrition

Holistic practices are concerned with the functional relationship of the body as a whole. We take into consideration additional factors involved in the dis-ease process, especially in the area of nutrition. Building wellness aids the body to achieve balance and vitality. Our program will teach you to build a foundation of healing and educate you toward a LIFETIME of true health, energy and clarity.

Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA)

Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) is an autonomic testing method that stands heads above others in its ability to reveal what your body needs. It's a simple & yet profoundly effective system of testing the bio-energetic status of the body's key organs and glands using a patented university-proven muscle testing technique on medically accepted acupuncture reflex points. The procedure taps into the wisdom of the body telling the practitioner what treatment is needed to create balance, strength and well-being. It's non-invasive and non-toxic to the body, the results are immediate, and the client can understand what, see and feel what course of action needs to be taken to improve their health. Heal Naturally offers this cutting-edge modality and is currently only 1 in 3 Practitioners in Canada trained with a Level II Certification.

For more information on this patented testing methodology visit Tom's Good Files

Live Blood Cell Analysis - Darkfield Microscopy

In its very nature, blood can serve as a predictor of health and provide an indication of illness well before symptoms appear. Your bloodstream is like a river... it transports oxygen, nutrients and other life-giving agents throughout your body to maintain health. It is also the medium for detoxification, delivering cellular waste to the liver and kidneys for elimination.

Darkfield Microscopy helps Practitioners assess the health of their clients while providing a live picture of their blood; creating powerful incentive to help them take more responsibility for their well-being.

Live blood samples are magnified 1,500 times and displayed on a video screen using darkfield technology. Warning signs of dis-ease are determined through observing shape and functioning of red and white blood cells, platelets, and the presence of metabolic byproducts and pathogenic microorganisms. 

With one "live" drop of blood, an enormous amount of information is available about the state of the immune system, free radical damage, weaknesses, possible vitamin deficiencies, amount of toxicity, pH and mineral imbalance, areas of concern, parasitic, fungal and yeast infestations. It is unbelievably exciting and empowering to see your cells working, moving and living. It is also rewarding to see response to nutritional changes, detoxification and life style changes. This method of blood analysis has been used in Europe for about a century.

Live blood microscopy does not provide a medical diagnosis but can indicate the need for further clinical testing or the health of the internal terrain. It is ideal for clients who are proactive and prevention minded.

"The best and most efficient pharmacy is within your own system." ~ Robert C. Peale

Metabolic Balance - Weight Management Program

Metabolic Balance® is an innovative all-natural nutrition program that brings balance to your hormones, optimizes your health, and leads to a new invigorating lifestyle resulting in successful long term weight management. It is backed by over 25 years of scientific study and is managed by dedicated physicians and nutritional scientists.

The foundation of the program is Metabolic Balance's unique capability to develop a truly personalized nutrition plan based upon an in-depth analysis of your unique blood values, medical history and personal likes and dislikes. Your personalized nutrition plan acts as your “road-map”, indicating exactly which natural foods you should eat in order to orchestrate the biochemical changes needed for reaching your desirable weight and health goals. 

Metabolic balance® is 100% natural! There are no prescribed injections, pills, shakes, or proprietary foods. Nor, as with some diets, are you required to keep “points” or count calories. Your local grocery store and farmers market can easily provide all the wholesome nutrient rich foods listed on your personalized nutrition plan.

Detox Therapy -

Ion Detox HyperBath System

Toxic Planet, Toxic Body - We are exposed to the greatest toxic load in our earth's history; environmental pollution, processed foods, air, and drinking water. Every cell and system of our body is affected by internal & external poisoning. Weakness, headache, bloating, fatigue, depression, allergies and a myriad of chronic health problems which can occur from toxic burden. Detoxify to experience vibrant energy! This system and methodology has been clinically proven to eliminate toxicity and heavy metal load within the body. Single sessions, 5 session or 10 session packages are available.

Practitioner Session

Analysis for Practitioner's Client

This appointment is for those who are already working with a Natural Health Practitioner such as a Functional Medicine Practitioner, Naturopath, Holistic Health Practitioner or equivalent.

This will be an assessment + recommendations only appointment.

If you are not currently working with another Practitioner - please book here an Initial Assessment/Consultation.

Ear Candling

What To Expect During An Ear Candling Session:
You are first instructed to lie on your side with your body in a straight alignment. A special oil containing garlic and natural herbs is massaged into the ear. A hollow linen candle is gently inserted into the ear canal and the opposite end is lit. Only the highest quality candle is used, beeswax, and are typically nine to twelve inches long. The candle creates a vacuum that draws our built-up earwax. The extracted earwax and fungus will be burned off and the majority will be collected in the bottom part of the candle. After the candle has been extinguished, the therapist will cut open the remnant and show you the contents.

Most people cannot believe what has been collected from the ear canal. If you have a hearing loss, you may feel a little heat during your session. Many people have reported an improvement in their hearing after just one session. The entire process takes 30 to 40 minutes and can be repeated every 48 hours as necessary. Healthy ears can be maintained with 3 to 4 visits yearly visits.

Mud Packing - Interference Fields

Interference Fields (IFs) are body areas or regions that disrupt the normal electromagnetic flow of the body's acupuncture meridian system creating symptoms very often at a distant site. 

These Interferences are frequently associated with scars, burns, bruises, injections, bone fractures, an injury, strain, sprain, trauma, tatoos, piercings or slipped discs, etc.

Even dental, teeth, procedures, cavitations and root canals can also be included as an Interference Field.

An IF stores an electrical charge which can then be discharged chaotically causing a sharp pain or other onset symptoms, sometimes years forward, where one would not associate a connection between the incident and the new symptoms.  

IFs often remain unrecognised and untreated by allopathic medicine, the problems created may become chronic or intermittent. 

Examples of disorders caused by interference fields can include:

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Allergies, hay fever, asthma and eczema

  • Confusion and depression

  • Dizziness and ear problems

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Chronic pain

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Dysfunction and disease of just about any organ

  • Chronic degenerative conditions

  • Sciatica

  • Swelling